Choose your friends carefully before you announce, “I’m heading down Mexico way, why don’t you join me?” Such words are bound to conjure up very different images to different folk. For every traveller who’s got the urge to explore the back streets and architectural edifices of a colonial past, there more who want to do an Indiana Jones over Mayan temples, and more still who can imagine nothing better than lounging on a Caribbean beach by crystalline seas.
Your cash will go a long way here, although prices are higher in the resorts of Cancún and Baja California. The best deals though are to be grabbed the low season, February through April, Easter excepted, and September to November. Summer is the most popular time to travel and ironically that’s when you are most likely to encounter hurricanes and tropical showers, while the winter enjoys clearer waters, and cooler temperatures, more ideal for visiting Mexico’s prestigious archaeological sites.
Whenever you travel, remember Mexico is characterised by its diversity, full of flavours, smells, traditions and experiences. With 32 distinctive states and 33 UNESCO World Heritage sites, Mexico is a destination that offers deserts in the north; mountains and volcanoes in the centre; and beautiful beaches and lush jungles in the south. Just make sure your companion has the same agenda.
Colonial Cities & Heritage Towns
If your low season adventure does overlap into Easter, it is worth noting that this is when the locals escape to the beach, leaving cities strangely quiet, with blue skies and ... Read more