Who are we?
Founded in 2018 by Ged Brown, we are a collection of travel industry aficionado’s who have travelled the world during the low seasons and are passionate about the experiences to be had during these quieter times. You can learn more about us here.
What do we do?
We research and highlight destinations during their low seasons and show you how much better the experience can often be compared to during the high seasons. In addition, we show you what it’s like during the low season in these destinations via our blogs, photos, podcasts and videos so that you can understand exactly what to expect when you book your next low season escape. We serve the growing global community of discerning low season travellers.

Who is The Low Season Traveller?
The low season traveller is someone who typically goes against the flow.
We don’t like crowds and busy stressful environments. If the crowd are headed to a certain “must see” place, we head in the opposite direction to find a different unique experience. We don’t engage in a “see-the-world-before-we-die” trend of checking off destinations like it’s a game of global bingo – we would rather experience as much of the world and it’s people as we can. We treasure memories and experiences more than selfies. And if popular opinion is to travel to destination ‘A’ this year, then we will head for destination ‘Z’ (at a time of the year when most people don’t visit).
When most people choose not to go because of the odd tropical rain shower, or arctic cold spell or oven-like heatwave, we get our hats, thermals and water bottles and excitedly get ready to have an experience that most people will never have.

We Serve Communities, Not Shareholders
At Low Season Traveller, we donate up to 25% of the profits we generate, to a small, local, community charities from one of the destinations we feature. For example, we recently donated funds to the Antigua National Sailing Academy, a charity which provides free swimming and sailing lessons to under-privileged and disabled school children in Antigua. This means that when you subscribe to Low Season Traveller, not only are supporting travel at a more responsible time of the year, but your travel will leave a positive legacy behind.
We call it “Your Legacy” and it feels good.

Why Travel During The Low Season?
Travel is more affordable than ever before but it starts to be less enjoyable when we are jostling with the masses to get that photo or to be in that huge queue at the airport, museums, and attractions.
Low season travel appeals to those who prefer not to pay hugely inflated prices during peak seasons. For those who prefer not to join massive queues when they visit attractions in each destination. For those whose time is valuable and want to make the most of every minute available in each destination. For those, who prefer seeing more of the world each year by taking multiple low season trips rather than one trip during the high seasons.
And… it’s not for everyone. Some are constricted by school holidays and some prefer to only travel when the weather is warm. We’re for those who don’t mind wearing a jacket as we breeze through Rome at the quietest time of the year. The history and the architecture remain the same, the queues are smaller, the prices cheaper, and the locals friendlier.

A Unique Travel Company
We’re not a travel agent or a tour operator, instead we partnered with some of the finest travel organisations in the global travel industry to provide you with offers and experiences during the low season months and we allow you the freedom to book in the way which suits you best; Booking directly with the tour or accommodation provider, booking via a reputable online travel company or booking with the reassurance of the finest ABTA and ATOL bonded travel agents.

Low Season Travel – Is it for you ?
Low Season Travel is for those with a true sense of adventure:
For those that dare to think a little differently.
For those who have a spirit of adventure, courage, exploration and enlightenment.
For those who travel to seek genuinely new experiences and want to return with stories to tell of their discoveries.
We are for those who quite literally, go against the flow of the crowd.
Low Season Travel is not for everyone
It’s not for those who go where everyone else goes.
It’s not for those who only travel to destinations at times of the year when everyone else travels.
It’s not for the conservative, traditional, “play it safe” types.

A Note on “Over-Tourism”
We’ve all seen the growing effects of tourism surges in many of the world’s favourite destinations. Places like Barcelona, Venice, Dubrovnik, Cornwall, Iceland and Amsterdam have all recently featured in the news due to their challenges with tourism surges.
In 2019, there had never been more international tourists in the world previously (1.5 billion in 2019). And this figure was forecast to increase by an additional 500m by 2030 according to the United Nations World Tourism Organisation.
Covid-19 may have curtailed travel for the short term, however pent up demand means that the mother of all tourism surges will follow. Also, we are already seeing tourism surges in places like Cornwall during the summer months due to domestic overtourism.
On average, 70% of all travellers arrive during each destination’s “peak” season – usually a narrow window of between 4-6 months.
In order to accommodate the increase in tourism over the coming years, responsible travellers need to shift focus to a more sustainable and responsible form of tourism, and the advantages for us doing so are huge.
Low season travelling is for those who wish to lead the drive to a more responsible tourism rather than follow the crowd and further contribute to the problem.
And…we get to have far greater value for money, experience more in less time, engage on a deeper level with the locals and avoid the crowds. All whilst contributing more towards local tourism economies at times when they actually need it!
And that, is the low season traveller’s legacy.
So, join us and be a real traveller, a savvy traveller, a responsible traveller…a low season traveller.
This is the Keynote Speech our Founder Ged Brown, gave to the World Tourism Association for Culture & Heritage on June 2nd 2020. In it he outlines why now is the perfect opportunity for destinations to promote travel during their low seasons….